Introducing - Smart Women Social!

Supporting small businesses is something I’m extremely passionate about. The wife of an independent pharmacy owner, I’ve been privied to a front row seat witnessing the ins and outs of small business ownership firsthand. The challenges, the struggles, the obstacles, the time, energy, sweat equity and persistence it takes to build, sustain and operate an independently owned business. My hat goes off to business owners of all makes and models - a driving force behind the launch of our new Smart Women Social series.

I’m excited to share that I’ve teamed up with my friend, neighbor and insurance expert extraordinaire Kelley Burnett of American Family Insurance with a mission to bring awareness to women-owned businesses in Edina. Kelley and I are both Edina residents working to build and sustain our own businesses and found ourselves connecting over this common thread - each of us sharing our unique perspectives, challenges, growth and successes. What if we could multiply this concept creating a community for women pursuing their passions? The Smart Women Social concept was born to fulfill this void - an environment to share, learn, network and grow amongst likeminded women in our community.

The mission of the Smart Women Social series is to bring awareness to female-owned businesses in Edina while connecting bold women within our community. Watch for our quarterly events that will be fun and casual - bring a friend, neighbor or colleague to introduce to the community.

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Our first event is taking place Tuesday, June 25th from 5:30 - 7:30pm. We’ve partnered with Bridget Connell and Marsha Hunt of Edina based Haute House Studio to host our inaugural social. Haute House Studio is a boutique floral and event design studio known for their energy, enthusiasm, creativity and attention to detail. Their studio workshops are open to the public and teach the art of floral design amongst other creative topics (birthday parties too!).

Attendees will be assembling herb gardens and experimenting with herbs in summer cocktails. Lite bites will be served along with a featured summer cocktail thanks to the partnership of Gray Duck Spirits. Space is limited, so sign up early to reserve your spot!


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